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21 Jun 2003 (updated 21 Jun 2003 at 02:55 UTC) »
Lost Mail

Due to technical difficulties, I lost some mail from last week.

Apache and BitTorrent

There's some interesting discussion as to whether Apache will come with the BitTorrent mimetype already configured.

New Puzzle

I came up with a new puzzle.

Snail Racing

I saw a very cute board game in a store the other day. It features a racetrack which six different colored snails move along. There is a single six-sided die to roll. All snails start at the beginning line, and a snail to move forwards is repeatedly selected by die roll. The game ends when a snail crosses the finish line.

It's clearly meant for very young children, and the box says that players try to guess which snail will win in the end, and it's a family game with no winners and losers. Natuarally, I immediately noticed that it would make a great prop for a cutthroat gambling game.

Snail racing, a game for two players.

Both players start by putting a fixed ante into the pool. Before each die roll, both players write down an amount of money. The amounts they wrote down are then revealed, and they each put the amount they wrote down into the pool. The player who wrote down the larger number (determined by coin toss in the case of a tie) gets to put a single token on a snail of their choosing. A snail is then advanced by die roll, and play continues with another round of writing down numbers. When a snail wins, all the money in the pot is divided among the two players proportionately to how many tokens each of them had on that snail.

Hexagonal Game Rules

There was an error in my analysis of game winning positions given in my last entry. Before explaining what the error was and why I've made a slight rules change, I'd like to recap the rules, since they're now considerably more understandable.

Game is played on a hexagonal board with hexagonal cells. Players alternate placing pieces of their color. At the beginning, one player puts down the first piece and the other player decides which color they want to play.

A player wins whenever they make any of the following configurations:

  1. A single group which touches four or more edges

  2. Two separate groups, one of which touches three adjacent edges and one of which touches three edges not all adjacent, and which share exactly one edge between them.

  3. Two groups each of which span three edges and a third group which spans two non-adjacent edges not connected by either of the other two. The third group may touch more edges as well.

These rules are straightforward, and force there to be no draws. They also make winning require clear board domination, resulting in a game with much long-term positional play.

The error in my last post was that one of the winning configurations was a superset of another. To see where the difficulty comes from, compare the three following positions (see my last entry for notation):

  1. ((1, 3, 5)) ((1, 2, 3), (3, 4, 5), (5, 6, 1))

  2. ((1, 3, 5), (1, 2, 3)) ((1, 3), (3, 4, 5), (5, 6, 1))

  3. ((1, 2, 3, 5)) ((3, 4, 5), (5, 6, 1))

In each of these positions player A is strictly better than in the previous one. In each case where there are two completed positions which are individually ambiguous as to who should win and in which player A is strictly better in one, I wanted player A should win in the former, and lose in the latter. This criterion can't be satisfied due to position #2 above. I decided to make position #2 a win for player B, mostly because that makes the rules much more succinct.

Rubik and Megaminx pun

A came up with a unified solution which applies both to Rubik's cube and Megaminx. It's a nice solution to either one even without that property.

Hexagon Game

The hexagon game I mentioned earlier is easier to win than necessary. When designing a game, one wants there to be no draws, but within that restriction you want it to be as difficult as possible to win, so as not to truncate interesting game play.

The new winning condition is that a player wins if they make a move such that after that if all the empty cells are filled in for the opponent then the opponent does not have any of the following:

  • A single group which touches four edges

  • Three separate groups each of which touch three edges

  • Two separate groups each of which touch three edges and one of which touches three edges no two of which are adjacent

I'll now go over each of the specific winning configurations in detail and explain the reasoning behind them. My notation will be that the edges of the hexagon are numbered 1-6 going clockwise and that (a, b, c) describes a single group touching edges 1, 2, and 3. Multiple groups are grouped together to describe a player's position, so ((1, 3), (3, 5)) means that a single player has two groups, one connecting sides 1 and 3 and the other connecting sides three and five. To describe a whole board position I'll give two sets of groupings in a row, the first for player A and the second for player B.

Here are the winning configurations, not including rotations and reflections. Some entries will include two whose reasons for being winning are related. You may wish to get out two different colored pens and draw the actual diagrams.

((1, 2, 3, 4))

Consider the complete board ((1, 2, 3, 4)) ((1, 4, 5, 6)). This is rotationally symmetric, so it must be a winning configuration.

((1, 2, 3), (1, 4, 6))

Consider the complete board ((1, 2, 3), (1, 4, 6)) ((4, 5, 6), (1, 3, 4)). This is rotationally symmetric, so it must be a winning configuration.

((1, 2, 3), (1, 4, 5))

Consider the complete board ((1, 2, 3), (1, 4, 5)) ((1, 5, 6), (1, 3, 4)). This is symmetric about a line through the middle of sides 1 and 4, so it must be a winning configuration.

((1, 2, 3), (1, 3, 4), (4, 6))

Consider the complete board ((1, 2, 3), (1, 3, 4), (4, 6)) ((4, 5, 6), (1, 4, 6), (1, 3)). This is rotationally symmetric, so it must be a winning configuration.

((1, 2, 3), (1, 2, 4), (1, 5))

Consider the complete board ((1, 2, 3), (1, 2, 4), (1, 5)) ((1, 5, 6), (1, 4, 5), (1, 3)). This is symmetric about a line through the middle of sides 1 and 4, so it must be a winning configuration.

((1, 3, 4, 6)) and ((1, 2, 3), (1, 4), (4, 5, 6))

Compare the completed positions ((1, 3, 4, 6)) ((1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6)) and ((1, 3, 4), (1, 4, 6)) ((1, 2, 3), (1, 4), (4, 5, 6)). Player A is strictly better in the first case, therefore A should win in the first case and B should win in the second case.

((1, 3, 4, 5)) and ((1, 2, 3), (1, 4), (1, 5, 6))

Compare the completed positions ((1, 3, 4, 5)) ((1, 2, 3), (1, 5, 6)) and ((1, 3, 4), (1, 4, 5)) ((1, 2, 3), (1, 4), (1, 5, 6)). Player A is strictly better in the first case, therefore A should win in the first case and B should win in the second case.

((1, 2, 3), (3, 4, 5), (1, 5, 6)) and ((1, 3, 5), (1, 5, 6))

Compare the completed positions ((1, 2, 3), (3, 4, 5), (1, 5, 6)) ((1, 3, 5)) and ((1, 2, 3), (3, 4, 5), (1, 5)) ((1, 3, 5), (1, 5, 6)). Player A is strictly better in the first case, therefore A should win in the first case and B should win in the second case.

I'm very happy with this game. There is a clear canonical winner in every position, and making any of the won positions happen is very subtle. It's missing the property that even if you kept playing after the game ended it would still be clear from the board position who the winner was, but that only happens with completely symmetric final positions, and having initiative play a strategic role may be a good thing.

Core Wars Rules

The rules to Core Wars could use some improvement. Specifically, there's way too much of a paper-scissors-stone effect with strategies. No fundamentally new approaches have been invented in years.

I think the cause of this problem is that vampires are too powerful. They preclude techniques such as self-healing programs.

Here is my proposed solution.

Each location on the battlefield has an alignment. Initially the starting locations for both sides are set to their alignment and the empty space is all set to neutral.

When a MOV is executed, the target of that MOV is set to the same alignment as the MOV command. Note that this may be different from the alignment of the thread which executed the command.

When a SPL is executed by a command which has different alignment than its executing thread, it acts as a noop. This is what gets the strength of vampires under control.

When any read operation is done on a location with a different alignment from the executing command, it always reads as DAT 0 1. Whenever ADD or any other command which affects state is executed on a location with a different alignment than the one being executed, it has no effect. Note that these rules apply regardless of the alignment of the thread performing the instruction. These rules are designed to furthur reduce vampire-like techniques.

I think my rule variant does a good job of getting vampires under control. The vampire technique still applies and is extremely important, but a single capture no longer kills you.

Book Review: Moneyball

I highly recommend Moneyball, by Michael Lewis.

Moneyball is a book about financial shenanigans in baseball How does that happen? The Oakland Athletics win completely disproportionately many games for their salary budget by evaluating players better and buying undervalued ones. Moneyball is a story of the triumph of science and reason over the superstitions of an entrenched beurocracy which kept the truth out for decades by branding it as heresy.

One part of Moneyball possibly inadventantly explains why it's such a compelling story. At one point the author asks two people with ivy league educations if they feel bad using their advanced degrees on something so trivial as baseball. They burst out laughing and ask 'You mean, as opposed to having a deeply meaningful job on wall street?' Lewis's book Liar's Poker, while just as well written and about far larger sums of money, has a subject which simply cannot compete with competitive sport as the basis for a compelling narrative.

Twisty Puzzle Reviews

I just posted some twisty puzzle reviews.

Someone told me that Y suffers from the corners hardly ever getting used, making the effective board size very small. A similar game which fixes this problem is to play on a hexagonal board, and the first player to complete a group which either connects two opposite or three non-adjacent sides (meaning (1, 3, 5) or (2, 4, 6)) is the winner. This game also has no draws, and makes the whole board important while maintaining the subtleties of Y. I wonder if anyone has thought of this game before.

The sourceforge stats for PHP-Nuke for this week look extremely fishy.

Board Games

My new favorite place to play games online is Little Golem.

I met up with John Tromp and we tried several different board games. The big winner among the ones we played was Y. Y feels conceptually simpler even than hex. The board is a triangle, rather than a rhombus, and there's no board orientation to keep track of. The strategy of Y also feels considerably more subtle, with no single central point of conflict.

I've been trying to design a board game which has a gradual build-up of positional strength until the very end when everything comes to a head. Unfortunately games where the goal is to create a pattern tend to force tactics to play out early, since one side or the other will benefit from the tactics finishing and hence force the play early. Misere games, in which the goal is to avoid making a pattern, avoid this problem, but tend to turn into two separate solitaire games which don't interact until the very end.

I've come up with a game which seems to fix that solitaire problem fairly well. Here are the rules:

Game played on a grid. White and black alternate placing stones. The first player to cause the four corners of an orthoganl square to all be filled with stones with two opposite stones being of one color and the other two of the other color loses.

The obvious drawing strategy of always moving on the point rotated 180 degrees from the last move can be prevented by playing on an odd sized board.

Whether this game is drawish, needs a swap rule, and is generally interesting to play needs to be determined by experimentation.

Pentagon Tilings

Pentagon tilings are cool.

Election Methods

The 'proportional representation' system I referred to in my previous entry was specifically the one where each voter votes for a political party, and the parties get to appoint candidates based on their percentage of the vote.

My objection to this very specific system is that it greatly increases the strength of political parties over individual politicians. It does have the advantage of making 'third parties' stronger, but that only looks good if you're using the horrendous two-party system as the basis for comparison. It can in fact have an ill effect of making the smallest of three major parties disproportionately powerful, by making them be the swing vote. Ideally political parties should be loose associations of politicians who share organising resources. Any system which results in an oligopoly of political parties running government is inherently flawed.

'Proportional representation' generally refers to systems in which multiple candidates are elected and a block of voters is capable of voting in a number of candidates proportional to their size. There are also proportional representation systems which use ranked ballots. In fact, I've spent a considerable amount of time working on proportional representation winner selection algorithms which are considerably less gameable than the standard instant runoff. At some point I'll do another round of experimentation and post my results.


While attempting to solve a very difficult solid metal parts puzzle, I came up with a very interesting question. The sort of puzzle I'm referring to is one in which there are several solid pieces which are entangled and the puzzle is to extricate them from each other without bending them. My question is: can you come up with a schema for solid parts puzzles which contains a fixed number of pieces and whose computational complexity of finding a solution is superlinear on the amount of data necessary to describe the pieces? All parts must come apart, not just one.

I've come up with an interesting solution. Here's a hint: use 3sum. (I'm assuming 3sum to be quadratic.)

Most Inefficient Sort

I got wind of an interesting informal competition to find the most computationally inefficient, but not completely contrived, sort algorithm. My solution is as follows: Assume all the values to be sorted are 32-bit integers. Have a candidate solution which starts off with all values set to zero. Repeatedly compare the candidate solution to see if it's a permutation of the input, and if not increase the last number by one, with overflow carried to earlier numbers. How do you check if two lists are permutations of each other? By trying all possible permutations and comparing them individually, of course.

Election Methods

apenwarr: Getting better election methods actually adopted is indeed the problem. The United States has had unranked ballots for so long that Duverger's Law has kicked in and we now have two completely entrenched political parties which have a vested interest in keeping things as they are.

Perhaps a clue can be gleaned from the defeat of proportional representation. Proportional representation as a method of electing congresspeople has been banned, which seems rather extreme given the usual bent towards states's rights. The reason this happened was actually a good one. Elected officials like having a considerable amount of personal power, and simple proportional representation would lead to them being completely subservient to the party they represent, easily replaced by party beurocrats.

One of the nice things about the way elections work in the US is that ballots always list individuals, not parties. In the above case, the interests of those individuals helped improve election methods used (or at least, keep it from getting worse). Perhaps incuments could be convinced to back ranked ballots.

Do ranked ballots favor incumbents? I'm honestly not sure. There are two forces at work; One is that ranked ballots make political parties have greatly reduced influence, so an incumbant doesn't need to worry so much about party backing going away. The other is that the will of the voters is more accurately reflected, possibly removing incumbents whose support relied on electoral distortions.

I suspect that incumbents could simply shift their positions to reflect the opinions of voters more than political parties, and wind up in a better position than they were before. However, real studies of the likelihood of and incumbent getting reelected when the voting system becomes ranked versus when it remains unranked are required.

Election Methods

robla links to debian election analysis. The full results show that condorcet yields a well-defined full ordering of all the candidates, making what should happen in this election completely non-controversial.

The fundamental brokenness of unranked ballots gets astoundingly little media attention. Even after it caused an apparently artifactual result in France's presidential election, which was later shown to be clearly artifactual by the runoff results, most media coverage portrayed it as a political struggle.


I'm going to be at the emerging technologies conference on the 24th and 25th, and at the emerging man party on the night of the 24th. After the 26th I'm going to be in Amsterdam for a while, then New York City starting on the 15th of May. Anyone who would like to meet up with me, mail me.

Certs against Spam

I previously suggested an anti-censorship multiplier of around 1/5. This is way too high - a multiplier of 1/100 or even 1/1000 would be able to make spam not worth doing, since spammers rely on being able to reach millions of users. Not eliminating peers which were eliminated by less than 100 or 1000 anti-certs could also help reduce false positives.

The extreme looseness of these values indicates that stopping spam with certs, once the necessary infrastructure is in place and the right approach is taken, is actually very easy.

Tickets against Spam

Penny Black has an ticketing system. There are a few obvious improvements to this sytem though, which I'll explain now.

Rather than sending back simple tickets, the server should send back pairs of one time passwords and their identifiers. When sending mail, rather than including the one time password, the mailer includes the identifier and a MAC of the hash of the message based on the one time password. When the recipient gets the mail, they query the token server with the id, hash, and MAC, and the token server responds with whether it's valid or not.

With this approach, there is no need to worry about a spammer intercepting a whole bunch of other peoples's mail and using their tickets. There's also no pop-style problems with dropped connections losing mail, since the ticket server can remember which hash was used with which ticket and respond idempotently that it's still valid later on.

The proper encoding of tickets is in a header line, and the hash should be of the Subject, From, and To lines, and the message body. This way it's possible for more than one kind of ticket to be put in the headers, if more become widespread in the future.

I think this technique could go a long way to stopping spam, and make Microsoft quite a bit of money in the process. They're one of the few companies positioned to be able to make such a system ubiquitous. I think $100 for 10,000 tickets is the wrong price point though. I'd be willing to pay $10 for 1000 tickets, if that really made sure my mail would get through any spam filter.

RSS bandwidth saving

garym asks about saving bandwidth used by RSS. This can be done much more simply by adding an optional GET parameter for RSS feeds which specifies what the latest entry the downloader already has is. This parameter is strictly advisory, but could save a lot of bandwidth.

Another useful parameter would be an advisory first entry number to return. That would make RSS feeds useful as archives.

I'm not going to suggest names for these parameters for fear of adding one more to a multiplicity of available standard names for them which I don't know yet.

The one subtlety has to do with when an existing entry is changed. To make those get overwritten, the client should send an if-modified-since like it does now, and the server sends older entries past the most recent one the client has if any of them have been modified.

Trust Metrics

A trust metric evaluation function I gave before has the problem that that it's very hard to compute. It can be approximated well by setting the weight of each node to the probability that there's a path from that node to an attester, then do simple random walk.

It turns out the latter problem is essentially the same as what's called all-terminal network reliability problem, which there's an interesting neural network approach to. I haven't read over this paper carefully enough to say if the technique is practical for a site the size of advogato, but from a quick skimming it appears so.

Neural networks also add buzzword compliance.

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